Preamble to the Constitution of a Federated Sates of Israel and Palestine : Union of the Republic of Israel and Palestine
To perpetual peace
1. No conclusion of peace, which is made by secret reserve in subject of a future war, must be relied as really true
It would be then a simple armistice, a postponement of hostilities, not peace, it means the end of all hostilities. The causes of this war future, although perhaps at all seem related to the sovereignty of territorial integrity of States, are not known to the negotiators themselves, and be eliminated altogether through the conclusion of peace, we can certainly extraxct them from archival documents with a lot of investigative skills. - The reserve of old claims to come up immediately future, for now no part of which would like to mention, because both are too exhausted to continue the war, the desire to decide how and where to live at the first opportunity, belongs to self-determination of people living in those territories: determination who must be informed by the a free choice among at least two alternative settlement (the present and future).
2. No independent State (small or large, there is indifferent) must fail for lack of resources in administration of public economy.
A state that is, not (as in some way, the land on which it is located) an own property(patrimonium the people). The State or the Federated State(s) is (are) a society of human beings (The Republic), which does not have command anyone but the rule of law itself. Annexing a state or Plugging it in another state, while, as the trunk, had its own root, its uses and heritage, will cancel its existence as a means of persons' and moral people's, original culture; and make it a non-heritage and non-durable ephemeral thing, and thus contradicts the idea the original contract value (even before the money) and thereforeof economy and society, without which one can not think of any right self-determination of a people.
3.Standing armies (miles perpetuus) funded by the community international trade must eventually cease completely.
In fact, they constantly threaten war with other states willingness to always appear prepared on behalf of the above independence of the League of Nations; incite them to outdo one another in the multitude of armed men, which knows no limits, and because, for a lot of expenses, peace finally becomes more oppressive than a war short, to get rid of this burden are themselves due to war of aggression. Suddenly being hired to kill or be killed appears to cover use of human beings as mere machines and tools in the hands of another (the state) who will never be reconciled with the right humanity of every person alive.
Things are completely different in the case of volunteer citizens aims (including weapons) undertaken regularly and without event of attack prior to the outside, to ensurethemselves and their homeland security for self-determination and / or against attacks from outside.
4.No public debt should be made in relation to external conflicts of state.
The resource seeking help inside or outside the state for use economy of the country (for the improvement of roads, new settlements or the establishment of warehouses that can provide years of crop failure) is not suspected. But as a claim to the wealth of Nations opposed to self-determination of peoples in republican democracies was in fact built as a debt service with the requirement for a distinct separate and independent monetary authority to be established in the State by the Nations League. This is a source of continuing financial crisis and unstoppable. The ingenious invention of the last three centuries, that the Republic is the Debt that the State has with the Nation and the people have only the Credit of money as a commercial credit of the Republic - is a power Financial undemocratic socialist-Nazi and fascist anti-popular dangerous ideology, that is also a means to wage war as well as economic military power such as scientific, which debt can be spent alone with the looming deficit tax (which, however, will be deferred for a long time even under the stimulus to trade produced by repercussions of the credit and profit nation). This kind of financial unsustainability of econiomic war, connected with the tendency of the power menl to do it becouse they did not really believe in Democracy is a great obstacle to perpetual peace. To prohibit them this we need much more than an article in addition to those concerning the sacred books of Koran, Torah and Bible.
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