Juliano Mer-Khamis
Cynthia Nachira
Juliano Mer Khamis was murdered. This murder and forces all all of us to open our eyes to a painful reality and very complicated.
That very fact that young Palestinians who have given birth to March 15 movement wants to challenge. Juliano, as those young people, knew what to fight against. We know? We we will be close to those boys and those girls from the refugee camp Jenin who have now an enormous task: to continue to walk on that road began to walk with Juliano Mer Khamis?
These are the questions that presents us with the brutal senseless murder Juliano Mer Khamis.
Juliano was the biggest challenge: being a jew and non-Palestinian only for its origins. His anger tells us about his daily challenge, the need to fight against many opponents, recognizing a by one.
When his mother, Arna Mer, began its activities in the Jenin refugee camp the late eighties, was in harmony with the high point of liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. At that time, again, might say, the enemy was, in essence, a well-recognized: the violence Alteration of a state, Israel, against an unarmed people. That the fight placed in a position to lead the way down the development of its contradiction, prismatic individual and collective experience. Arna challenge, with his determination, the hypocrisy of the 'only democracy in the Middle East', it was the center of the conflict. He brought in the difficult area to live in the son, who, however, immediately after the death of the mother was found to live in the middle of the other even contradiction. Jew-be Palestinian concrete negation of the Zionist claim. Being Palestinian is the jew-denial of any claim fundamentalist. It is a summary.
Continue to pursue the path pointed out to the mother was not to Juliano Mer Khamis choice or obligation, nor automatic. Once you have made His choice, however, Juliano Mer Khamis has chosen simultaneously want to transform the synthesis of the two negatives that he represented.
Those who chose to kill in the name of either fundamentalism, religious and nationalism together, committed a suicidal act. Juliano Mer Khamis, some now say, was a flag, a symbol. We do not agree it was a man who built his life, public and private, without giving up any of his "two parties" and fighting doggedly against aspects of deterioration both.